Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the Blue Parakeet

Just started into this book, the Blue Parakeet, by Scot McKnight. he's asking some great questions...I had the opportunity to hear him speak this past weekend - quite intriguing. I'll report back when I'm through it, but would enjoy the chance to dialogue with someone else about this book, Scot McKnight, or why we pick and choose what we follow in the Bible.
ps - can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to use twitter? I have it, I twitter - but I'm still not entirely sure I know what it's for. Is it just to hear witty tweets from Bono?

Monday, March 30, 2009

attention so-called Christians

so, you call yourself a Christian? why?

because you go to church? congrats!
because you pray before you eat, or before a test, or when you get a flat-tire? wow
because you own a Bible? so does every hotel room
because you have a fish-decal on your car or some 'witty' sticker? you still drive like a moron
because you don't swear? just under your breath or with words like frick or crap
because you don't have sex before marriage? not that you'd admit anyways, but...
because you judge those who aren't like you? but you wouldn't call it judging - you would call it lovingly concerned

because...we could go on, couldn't we?

or...is it because you:

feed the hungry?
give drink to the thirsty?
welcome strangers?
clothe the naked?
care for the sick?
visit the prisoners?

- let's do this is Jesus' name.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm heading to California with a good friend of mine, Brad Moffatt and I can't wait. We're checking out the Catalyst West Conference

Monday, March 23, 2009

yawnishly contemplative

I need a rest...anyone else?
enough of this busyness, running about, accomplishing nothing - I need a rest.
let's slow down - agree?
I'm not saying, "ooh, I'm so busy, poor poor me"
I'm saying, "slow it down, take it in"

who's with me? hands up, way up

Thursday, March 19, 2009

scrapping bottom...

I'm so sorry it's come to this. how many years have we walked this road together? how many victories? how many defeats? but, why has it come to this? nearing the bottom, last resorts, last ditch efforts, incapable of seeing any way out...I'm sorry.

but know it doesn't have to be like this - there is hope. there are consequences, there always are...I'd be lying if I said there wouldn't be - but it can be better. there is hope.

I'm here and willing to walk with you. I can't fix it all, I would if I could. but I am here and there is hope. please don't give up, even if everything in you wants to. I'm never giving up on you. there's more than this. there's better than this. and you know it, don't you?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


...it comes from the least likely sources. those who 'should' be advocates, are actually conniving, planning, waiting to catch you. is this what your life has become? a witch-hunt? a perputual pursuit of wrong? where is your joy? where is your contentment? where is your peace? where is your....love? you feign at all these - lipservice, not even convinving to you (or is it? - that may be the scariest part, you actually believe the words that come out of your mouth)

now before you go and say, what about you? let me publicly flog myself for you...I have been guilty of this. I pass judgment quickly. I assume my position is correct. I actually believe the words that come out of my mouth.

...but - I don't want to anymore. may I not be found proud. may I not be found assuming I'm right. but may I be found humble - acknowledging my short-comings and seeking the truth.

so, for your sake - give it up. please.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

dark was the night

...just purchased a new album on itunes, Dark Was the Night. http://www.myspace.com/darkwasthenight , check it out...

- right up my musical alley (if there is such a thing)

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Sold My Soul on eBay

A friend recommended I should read the book, I Sold My Soul on eBay - so graciously, I did. Don't let the title put you off. This was an intriguing read to say the least. Mehta (author) raises some interesting questions. Whereas the Bill Mahers of this world seem to be looking for a fight, the Hemant Mehtas seem to be looking for the truth - though he hasn't found it yet.

If you have read it, or do read it - I would enjoy discussing your thoughts. It may even change your views of atheists.

- ineloquently

Mehta's blog can be found at:


Sunday, March 8, 2009


I am currently watching the mockumentary, religulous.

I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on this work>